Ciao girls 🙂
It’s coming the most wonderful, happiest and shiniest time of the year. Somebody else there is Christmas crazy like me and already in preparations? Making lists of needed decorations, presents, collecting recipes of cakes, cookies… You know you can’t have to much nutcrackers and Christmas cups right? Actually trying new recipes is my favourite activity this days. Here already smells like Christmas. 🙂 You know that warming, calming, sweat and spicy smell that makes everything better? That you definitely need in your nose now when days are becoming cold and dark.
With most wonderful time of year in coming most shopping crazy time too and not to be late or stressed about it its time to start right now. Add this address on your shopping list please.
Beside being star cause of your most beautiful cakes and tastiest cookies you want everybody being amazed how good you look beside all that goodies.
This is going to be your little, secret santa helper shapewear bodysuits. All outfits for Christmas and New Year meetings and parties will be perfect fit, starting with this nice shapewear bodysuits. I like this one specially (numbers are going from XS to 6XL :O and you can chose between black and beige). I always go for black but in this case I think it is impossible to chose I need both colours to cover all possible scenarios in which I might need it. :D.
It will provide you full control for tummy, hips and butt, smoothing, shaping and lifting where it is needed. It is made from super-slim fabric to not be notable under your clothes and to be super comfy in same time. And then its on you to stress free write your perfect story completing picture with favourite sexy dress, shoes… makeup…

Let’s see something else too. 🙂 If you find some time, between all this enjoyment at most wonderful time of the year, cookies, parting and shopping, or you just wanna be ready for good start of new year, this will help double belt waist trainer . It’s latex waist trainer that you can wear during workouts, cardio and abdominal exercises (it comes in all sizes SX-6XL, black and rose red colour).

Do you like wearing body shapers and waist trainers? Have you already visited sculpt.she site? You like it? What are your favourites?
Ovi steznici mi se sviđaju. Tako nešto mi treba 🙊😂
Ciao Aneta <3 mama mi je kupila nešto slično ovom nakon prve trudnoće, stvarno lijepo utegne i pomaže 😀 nakon druge mi već nije trebalo, s njih dvoje, toliko nervoze i posla, smršavila da je čudo, sad sam negdje ispod 50 kg pa mogu mirno tući po kolačima 😀 😀