Month in photos – June



When I started thinking about writing a blog a lot of thoughts passed through my mind. I wanted to write about this and that, things that I love, that inspire me… In the end I chose cosmetics, because it seemed the most logical and simplest, yet these are things that I love and use every day, I was embarrassed though, that my dear could read my posts about creams πŸ˜›

But now it seems that something is missing πŸ˜›

There are a lot of things that bother me, are around me, a lot of those in me, that don’t give me peace. Something is changing, something always remains the same, some pain to forget, some love never ends.

Now again thinking about what to add to the already existing blog, first I have to forget everything that needs little bit more of time, my little devil will not let me alone more than a minute. I love photography but I have no time for a stroll or a coffee, or something like 365 photos in 365 days.

In the end, the choice fell on these posts, months in photos, along with unrelated crazy talking or not depending on the lackness/plentiness of time, because sometimes it’s easier when everything’s in your head, you see all nicely arranged on a virtual shelf, and you will in this, if you want, find out a little more about me πŸ˜‰ and everything else i will still leave again for a time when i’ll have more time.

So for now, a new category on the blog (and one more in preparation πŸ™‚

First: are you sure see it good? πŸ˜€ Photo 3D Split Street Art Festival.



ruka iz asfalta


Let’s begin with the most beautiful and the most aromatic gift I received this month I love the smell and color of lavender πŸ™‚ reminds me of the summer, the sea and the waves and the good times for which i am still hoping to happen πŸ˜€

Just imagine how nice it would be to wake up with the smell of lavender under the window πŸ™‚





Sometimes i find something sweet, I’m a sucker for all small and sweet honey notes. This is a lip balm with extracts of honey, shea butter and jelly. I have a couple of them open but I could not resist when I saw him on the discount in Muller. In short my lips have never been as sweet and soft as now πŸ˜›





La Croa nourishing mask, too many good reviews I read about it so I had to try for my hair that is very dry, for now it’s good, very slowly spent, I think I’ll try the shampoo πŸ™‚





Burt’s Bees news. This lotion I bought because it was on super discount. Unfortunately I’m not sure I like it, my skin is super moisturized and shiny after application, I even received a compliment over beautiful skin but it leaves sticky feeling a looong time, and i felt my hands so sticky i wanted immediately to wash them. There is a scent that lasts a long time and I Dislike πŸ™

The cuticle cream finally completely solved the problem with broke finger nails and cuticles :).

Lip is ok, 100% natural, has my favourite color, nice texture and not sticky πŸ™‚




Zoya nail polish, my first satin in collection πŸ™‚ again found itself on discount in Muller πŸ™‚





Olival golden immortelle oil that i am currently testing i’ll post about it soon πŸ™‚






It came to us one packet of Uriage Croatia, whose composition you will quickly see the post πŸ™‚





This is something that I really, really was looking forward (please do not laugh at this :)) for a while I did not even have a wallet, so this is my wallet and somehow i return to the reality in this little cute way πŸ™‚





aaaa it was time to move in….



skale u more


There is a new swimming suite πŸ™‚ Finally something with stripes (which my dear hates so I have avoided in a wide circle, he decided not to bother for stripes on the costume, I have to carefully examine whether there are any πŸ˜› it’s a very delicate operation, his stripes veto compared to at least ten of mine are nothing and mine are here to stay πŸ˜‰ I believe we already know what “interesting” things can go through men’s minds πŸ™‚ )





Unfortunately this month the rain interfered with the plans and the view was more like this πŸ˜›



more i oblaci


I comforted myself in our now favorite place for coffee and cake with friends, Creme de la Creme and best summer cake Mojito Passion πŸ™‚





and one homemade cake, the easiest and fastest, for me very lovely to mix fruits and cocoa, this time there are peaches and cherries;





One of the reasons why I like summer is that there is so much fresh fruit, it comes from the proximity of the famous grandmother; peaches from Podstrana, cherries from Ε½rnovnica… Current obsession for me, cherries that i can not stop eating πŸ˜› It is probably the only fruit that I love and that is ultra-cute πŸ˜€ By the way did you know that eating about 20 cherries should have the same effect of moderating pain such as aspirin or ibuprofen? That cherry help sleep better because they are a natural source of melatonin? That they have a strong antioxidant activity, contributing to the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and metabolic syndromes?

Does it work against pain? fortunately I’m not sure, somehow I was not in pain lately πŸ˜› but about being good to eat before bedtime it’s verified and safe (although about the quantity i am not sure because I do not stop on the such low numbers as 20) πŸ˜€ )



I came across an exhibition “We Love Shoes” in City Center One, made by: Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin and Vivienne Westwood, I would not have anything against these red in your collection πŸ™‚



izložba cipela


…and finally i get to use the special “ready for the beach and run behind the baby” marathon shoes πŸ™‚



cipele copy


At the end luck smiled to me and on the giveaway on the Lil’Mee’s lil’blogu i won Olival magical golden oil





Next month I hope will be a lot more photos of blue πŸ˜›

Ps. if you’re interested, on the first photo is one of the most beautiful parks in Split Park JJ Strossmayer – Garden. πŸ™‚

What was this month for you? Did it pass quickly as it did for me?

You have some interesting news? Yes?

Do you have something to recommend, something nice you have seen or tasted?

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