Hello everyone 🙂 It’s almost Christmas!!! At least for me it is 🙂
Time goes so fast and mad and then in some point like magic all calms down in the search for cozy corners, fairy lights and warm hugs to cure all the pains collected on the way of the year. Socks become warmer, blankets fluffier. Cookies happier, every with its different secret ingredient; peace, hope, love… Smells are becoming stories about past and every brings some forgotten smile. Cups are getting red noses, coffee Baileys, hot chocolate cream, cookies marmalade, bons cinnamon, marshmallow fire, sad eyes sparkle of hope, stories happy endings…
Let’s see what is going on in our little Christmas work shop.

You want some fairy dust on your doors, walls, windows… sent with one of this cozy Christmas wreaths? Write in comments or message at ask@lovemebear.eu for more informations.
Želite mekani Božični vjenčić u svom domu? Ovako pahuljasti i nježnih boja ukrasit će vaša vrata, prozore, dječje sobice… Za više informacija pišite u komentare ili na ask@lovemebear.eu